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2 Jul 2024
John Holland Group
Gap Bridge Review
18-20 Jun 2024
Universal Improvement Skills
Public course in Melbourne
18 Jun 2024
Queensland Government
Department of Transport
and Main Roads
Translink Division
Leadership Forum
14 Jun 2024
Hobart Airport
Leadership Forum
12-13 Jun 2024
Hobart Airport
Executive Event
4-6 June 2024
Sydney Trains
Universal Improvement Skills
28-30 May 2024
Universal Leadership Skills
Public course in Brisbane
9-10 May 2024
Queensland Government
Department of Agriculture
and Fisheries
Information Technology Partners
Board Event
27 Mar 2024
Hobart Airport
Leadership Forum
22 Mar 2024
Queensland Government
Department of Transport
and Main Roads
Information Technology Branch
Leadership Forum
21 Mar 2024
Queensland Government
Department of Transport
and Main Roads
Information Technology Branch
Executive Event
5-7 Mar 2024
Universal Improvement Skills
Public course in Coffs Harbour


Overview of what we do

We are an organisational improvement specialist with Consultants based in Australia, the UK and the Netherlands. We work in a wide variety of organisations and industries and we have many long-standing clients, some dating right back to when we were founded in 1992.

Organisational improvement

Organisational improvement is not just for poorly performing organisations. We work regularly with high performing organisations to help them make sure they stay on top of the game - and get even better.

Our work falls into three main categories:

Training - You come on a course or programme and learn how to do something new. You might attend as an individual or team.

Facilitation - We facilitate some sort of group activity for you - some examples being, Team Events, Strategy Development Events and Project Kick-Starts.

Consultancy - We look at a specific topic typically through some diagnostic interviews or survey work.

Getting started

We sit down with a potential client, listen to what is going on in the organisation and make some suggestions as to what we might do together. This is usually an activity that the organisation has identified a need for - designed and run the UIMPROVE way. If the organisation likes our approach, we review the results and we see what other steps we could take on the road to organisational improvement. Therefore our clients stay in the lead when it comes to the amount and pace of work we do together. For some organisations this results in fully adopting the approach, for some it means they will only carry out occasional training or events.

We never try to sell you stuff for the sake of it, nor do we want you to commit to vast expenditure. We'll take it slow and steady, always suggesting a next step towards further improvement. This means you, the client, are always in control.

As an alternative, send a couple of bright sparks on one of our public courses and see what they think.

The approach and how we work with you

Our approach - UIMPROVE - has rigorous philosophical foundations based on the work of the improvement giants, people like Shewhart, Deming, Juran and Tribus. We have been consistently working in the same way for 30 years, continuously improving how we do things based on experience with our clients in the real world. UIMPROVE is an integrated approach that links improvement (strategy, projects and processes) with leadership, teamworking and data. It is practical, participative but above all tried-and-tested.

If we do a good job, you are likely to be a client for a long time and that is what we want. It's better for you, and it's more rewarding for us.

Contact us

Contact us for a no-obligation meeting. One of our Consultants will come along and find out what's going on in your organisation, what your priorities are and any areas of concern you might have. We will then suggest some options for you to consider.

It's as easy as that.

Our prices

Our Prices - Australia